Interface RoomRequest

Share scouting data about hostile owned rooms

interface RoomRequest {
    avgRamprtHits?: number;
    energy: number;
    lastScout: number;
    playerName: string;
    rcl: number;
    roomName: string;
    terminal: boolean;
    timeout?: number;
    towers: number;


avgRamprtHits?: number

The average rampart hits in the room.

energy: number

The amount of stored energy the room has. The sum of storage, terminal, and factory should be sufficient.

lastScout: number

The last tick when you scouted this room to acquire the data you are now sharing.

playerName: string

The player who owns this room. If there is no owner, the room probably isn't worth making a request about.

rcl: number

The level of the room's controller.

roomName: string

The name of the room.

terminal: boolean

Indicates whether the room has a terminal.

timeout?: number

Tick after which the request should be ignored.

towers: number

The number of towers in the room.

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